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Torrance Tots Childcare in Torrance, California

Torrance Tots is a professional and nurturing childcare program dedicated to the well-being of children, prioritizing their holistic development. Our focus encompasses cognitive, social, emotional, language, and physical growth, instilling in children a sense of self-respect and respect for others. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our state licensure by the Community Care Licensing Division of California, ensuring that our facility meets rigorous standards for safety, quality, and care.

At Torrance Tots, young learners engage in hands-on activities designed to enhance cognitive development. They explore six pivotal discoveries crucial in the first three years of life: cause and effect, tool usage, learning schemas, object permanence, spatial understanding, and imitation. Through socialization and guided interactions, children not only develop academically but also learn invaluable relationship-building skills.

For preschoolers, we emphasize school readiness by introducing fundamental concepts like shapes, letters, numbers, and colors. Our curriculum extends to encompass multicultural education, bilingual language exposure, literacy, math, science, and social studies. We believe that preschool education extends beyond rote learning, encouraging exploration of the environment and the development of crucial social skills.

As children transition to kindergarten age, Torrance Tots offers more structured learning experiences customized to enhance literacy, math, and scientific inquiry. Activities are designed to foster curiosity about the world around them, promoting collaboration in small group settings and individual growth through positive challenges facilitated by our teachers.

Our Mission Statement

Torrance Tots is dedicated to partnering with families to empower children to reach their fullest developmental potential within a nurturing and natural environment.

Our Philosophy

At Torrance Tots, we believe that every child is unique, with their own personality and temperament. We understand that children grow holistically and develop at different rates and stages. Therefore, at Torrance Tots, we provide rich hands-on experiences to challenge and stimulate children’s minds both in small group settings and individually. Our aim is to support each child in accomplishing their milestones according to their developmental stages.

Contact Us

Do you have questions or want to learn more? Contact us today for all the details!